Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Doctor Appt on 9/28

Not much happened during the doctor’s appointment. Her heart beat was 130, which is still in the normal range. I haven't felt her kick or move; apparently I have a retroverted uterus. Which means it is tipped back towards the spine rather than towards the front so it will still be a while before I feel her move. In the doctors words - could be tomorrow could be weeks (nice). I said "that's ok, that just means she is deeper in there and a little more protected". Plus my belly fat is like a little down comforter to her. Rather than just a layer of skin. ;) So she is really snuggly. I am comforted by this, the doctor thinks I am crazy; Damon knows me and accepts my katieisms. Oh well.

I have lost another 3.5 pounds (total of around 8, not much), both the doctor and Damon are not happy about that. I don't really know what to say about that, of course I am kind of happy. I eat when I am hungry, it’s not like I am dieting. Not a lot of food sounds good to me. The doctor wants me to eat more carbs. Fun! My stomach is upset all the time so the doctor wants me to go on the Brat Diet. It seems to be helping some.

On a side note: my BP was 130/74! This has gone down ALOT since 8/9/10 (which was 154/91). I don’t put salt on anything anymore and I'm sure my weight lost has helped.

Until next time...



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