Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ultrasound on 9/20 19.5 weeks pregnant

You can see her nose and ear. Her little hand is up by her face, you can see a couple of fingers!

Baby foot!

It’s a girl!!! I think Damon and I are both in a state of shock. Of course we are happy but we really were expecting a boy. I just knew that inside was a boy, but nope it’s a little girl! I think it will be for the best, she is going to have Damon wrapped around her little finger and now all Damon has are girls (me, annie the cat, keiko and zoe) :o) So now we are on the task to start thinking of little girl names!

With the ultrasound machine they checked the baby's brain and heart. They measured the length of her bones, head and overall body. From the measurements she weighs 11 ounces! They identified both of her little ovaries so there is no mistake that it is a girl! :)

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