Monday, November 1, 2010

Olivia .......... Nash

We have decided on Olivia's middle name! This was not easy. If she was a boy the middle initial would be a "D" after Damon and the rest of the Nash men (Damon's dad, Grandpa and brother - not a Nash but still...). Since it turned out that she was a girl we didn't know what in the world to pick. The process went a little something like this:

1. What if the 2nd child is another girl, still use D? - Yes
2. Don't want one kid to be have a special middle name and not the other
3. Maybe a middle name starting with D for both
4. D names for girls suck
5. Maybe an A for this kid and a D for the next?
6. That’s the ticket! Name 1 after the mom and 1 after the dad
7. Look at middle names that start with an A (since my name is Katherine Anne)
8. Cant end in an A b/c olivia ends in an A (one of Damon's rules)
9. Go through over 15 pages of girls names starting with A.

and now we have it!

Olivia Annabel Nash

starts with an A and has my middle name in it.

Deciding how we were going to spell Annabel was a task too. Most people spell it Annabelle but you can also spell it a variety of ways... Anabel, Annabel, Annabell, ect. We decided to keep the 2 n's since my middle name had 2 n's but only go with 'bel' rather than 'belle' to keep it shorter.

On the doctor front:

Went on 10/26 - gained a "significant" amount of weight (11 pounds) which is BS since the last nurse accounted for my shoes and clothes where as this (evil) nurse did not. Since I weigh myself every Monday morning I know it was about an 8 pound weight gain since I was at the doctor last - 1 month ago. Either way I should only gain 1 pound a week (nice to know now). So according to the OB office I have officially gained 3 pounds since May. Crazy since I have a basetball in my belly. Side note- LOVE my health at Vandy website! Tracks all my vital signs and labs! Next doctor visit (11/23) I do my glucose screening test --> Draw blood, drink a very sugary drink, wait 1 hour, draw blood again. I should get my results later that night.


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