Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby Bedding...UGH!

I am having the hardest time deciding on baby bedding. Those that know me know that I suck at deciding on things like this. Choosing paint is so torturous for me that I have only painted 1 wall at the new house (the laundry room, blue, still not sure if I love it). I have narrowed it down to 3. The 2 that are the same pattern just difference color are from Target and only available online. I think that is what is holding me up. I like to look and feel all of my options before deciding on just 1. I also love the idea of birds for the room rather than butterflies. But I like that the butterfly bedding from Babies R Us has a couple different colors rather than just 1 main color. Purple is my favorite color but the pink is adorable too. ARG! HELP!

Carters Flower Bedding from Babies R US

MiGi Blossom Pink from Target online

MiGi Blossom Purple from Target online

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Belly at 22 weeks and 6 days

I'm not really sure when this belly appeared. I started noticing it last week some. These pictures are taken at night with a full belly and I'm not sucking in at all. I feel like the (belly) pictures are more impressive than what I feel/look like every day. My face on the other hand looks just like I feel - slightly run down and tired but happy and content. Olivia should weight around a pound and is about 12 inches long. :)

Still trying to come up with a middle name....

Front View

Side View

View from the top

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

22 1/2 weeks along


Your Mini's hands have grown bigger and stronger and the nerve endings in her fingers have developed her sense of touch. She's in there testing out her newfound abilities by touching her face and grabbing the umbilical cord. Other cool developments:

You're already raising a little Einstein. Your baby's brain is developing at a clip this week and will continue to do so until she's five years old (so load up on the Omega 3)!

Baby's hair is now a short, bright white crop (Billy Idol, eat your heart out!). No matter what color it will end up—red, blonde, black—all babies' hair lacks pigment at this point.

Your baby has started growing taste buds and may be able to detect strong flavors in the amniotic fluid. If you could see inside, you might catch her sticking out her tongue for a taste and then grimacing, a sign that perhaps you should chill on the chili powder.

Your baby now weighs almost a pound and measures almost 11 inches from her head to her heel, which is how the Stretch Armstrong in your uterus will be measured from here on out. Up 'til now your baby's legs were curled tight up against her torso, so she was measured from her head to her bottom (or crown to rump) and not head to toe. This week your mini is about as long as a package of Oreos and as heavy as a large bag of tortilla chips.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Baby Name

Since finding out that we were having a little girl we have been trying to find a name that we love. Who knew that girl names were so much harder to pick then little boys! We have decided on a first name, middle name will come later. Her name is going to be...........................Olivia!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Inside - IKEA cats

This has nothing to do with babies, I just love kitties!

A closet full of girlie things

From newborn to 6 months...onsies to robes....skirts to jackets :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Doctor Appt on 9/28

Not much happened during the doctor’s appointment. Her heart beat was 130, which is still in the normal range. I haven't felt her kick or move; apparently I have a retroverted uterus. Which means it is tipped back towards the spine rather than towards the front so it will still be a while before I feel her move. In the doctors words - could be tomorrow could be weeks (nice). I said "that's ok, that just means she is deeper in there and a little more protected". Plus my belly fat is like a little down comforter to her. Rather than just a layer of skin. ;) So she is really snuggly. I am comforted by this, the doctor thinks I am crazy; Damon knows me and accepts my katieisms. Oh well.

I have lost another 3.5 pounds (total of around 8, not much), both the doctor and Damon are not happy about that. I don't really know what to say about that, of course I am kind of happy. I eat when I am hungry, it’s not like I am dieting. Not a lot of food sounds good to me. The doctor wants me to eat more carbs. Fun! My stomach is upset all the time so the doctor wants me to go on the Brat Diet. It seems to be helping some.

On a side note: my BP was 130/74! This has gone down ALOT since 8/9/10 (which was 154/91). I don’t put salt on anything anymore and I'm sure my weight lost has helped.

Until next time...

