Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Not many people knew that Damon and I have been trying to have a baby since Thanksgiving of 2009. Every month I would get my hopes up and every month I would be disappointed. April was a really rough month on me emotionally as I was really expecting to be pregnant(details we don’t need to put on a blog). So in May I decided to forget about it for a while and start training for a half marathon and start going out more while I was still young. My monthly visitor was scheduled to visit me on June 3rd (I am positive of this as I have been tracking it for months), even though I decided to move on deep down I was nervous/excited/hopeful that I would not see my monthly visitor. Come Saturday (June 6th) I just couldn't wait anymore, I had to pee on a stick. I had hope but was skeptical since at this point I have spent a small fortune in pregnancy tests and have peed on a gazillion sticks (never believing just 1 stick). The line did not take long to appear. At first it was very faint. Damon was outside on the deck with the dogs and I ran out of the bathroom (at this point I was crying) instantly Damon was on alert "what's wrong?" "what is it? Katie!?" I hugged him and said "we are having a baby!!!" He said "What??!!" "really" then something along the lines of "oh god" "oh my god" I said "are you shocked?" he said "yes" I was like boo-we have been trying to months! He said "yea, but now its real." (teehhhee) I wanted to tell everyone and their mother but Damon said "wait, we have to find out if its real or not." I was like HELLLOOO-DO YOU SEE MY STICK??? He said well do it again in the morning...they say the morning is more accurate. So I did and again 2 lines!


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